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Voice Marketing Strategy: The Importance of Having One

The increasing use of voice AI devices has become a notable trend in recent years. Voice search marketing, though still in its early stages and relatively small, is rapidly becoming a crucial element of a comprehensive marketing approach for numerous prominent companies. Many marketing experts predict that the utilization of voice devices will expand exponentially in the coming years. However, voice marketing is not just a future consideration.

The Relevance of Voice Marketing Today

It’s also very relevant right now. With the widespread adoption of voice devices in homes, workplaces, and vehicles, there’s a good chance your target demographic is already utilizing voice technology. Consequently, now is the opportune time to formulate a voice marketing strategy. Here’s a guide to help you initiate the process of crafting a plan to engage your audience through voice.

The Need for a Voice Marketing Strategy

A voice marketing strategy is essential because it’s highly likely that your audience incorporates voice technology into their daily routines. As of January 2018, 16 percent of Americans, which translates to approximately 39 million people, possess a smart speaker in their residences. Moreover, those who haven’t adopted this technology yet are expected to do so in the future.

ComScore predicts that by 2024, roughly 50 percent of all searches will be conducted through voice. The number of smart speakers has the potential to increase dramatically. Canalys forecasts that by 2024, there will be 300 million smart speakers in circulation, a substantial rise from fewer than 50 million at the close of 2017.

Putting It Into Practice

Google offers an excellent resource for integrating voice technology. Voice search marketing is emerging as a vital component of a holistic strategy for many leading brands. Let’s explore the reasons why you should consider adopting it.

Addressing User Queries

What are the types of questions people are posing that you have the answers to? Voice searches often consist of inquiries that consumers seek quick and straightforward answers to, without the need to navigate a website. Before providing these answers through your voice marketing strategy, you must anticipate the questions people will ask.

For instance, a consumer might search for information on how to eliminate a stain from a pair of jeans. If you manage a clothing retailer, this query is pertinent to your business, and you can create content on your website to address it.

Naturally, whether or not your website appears in search engine results depends on the effectiveness of your overall SEO approach. You’ll require relevant and authoritative content for search engines to recognize you as an expert and improve your rankings. However, you have no chance of ranking if you fail to address the questions your target audience is asking.

Voice Marketing Strategy: Crafting Conversational Web Content

Another effective strategy for attracting visitors who use voice search is to produce substantial amounts of website content written in a conversational style. Blog posts are particularly useful in this regard, as they enable you to communicate directly with the consumer in a manner akin to spoken language.

The more effectively you can emulate natural speech patterns on your website, the simpler it becomes to reach individuals who are using voice-activated devices. Google reports reports that 70% of requests made through its Assistant service are expressed naturally. This indicates the effectiveness of its voice marketing strategy.

This conversational style, as opposed to the keyword-driven approach of typed queries, makes it easier for search engines to locate your website during a voice search.

The reason for this is straightforward: People communicate differently when speaking compared to typing. Instead of using concise keyword phrases like “remove stain from jeans,” they might say, “How do I remove a stain from my jeans?” The average person can speak 150 words per minute but can only type 40 words per minute, so expect more verbose queries.

Implementing a Voice Marketing Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Know Your Audience: Begin by understanding how your target demographic utilizes voice search and what they are seeking to tailor your strategy effectively.
  2. Optimize for Conversational Keywords: Concentrate on long-tail keywords and phrases that align with the conversational nature of voice searches.
  3. Craft Engaging, Voice-Friendly Content: Create content that directly answers user questions, providing concise and clear information that voice assistants can readily convey.
  4. Enhance Local SEO: Ensure your business is accurately listed on online directories and optimize your content to appear in local search results.
  5. Monitor and Adapt: Voice search technology and user behaviors are dynamic. Continuously track your performance and make necessary adjustments to your strategy.

Conclusion: The Importance of Voice Search Marketing

To sum up, incorporating a Voice Marketing Strategy into your digital marketing efforts is no longer a futuristic concept but a present-day essential. It’s all about connecting with your audience at the right time, with the right message, through the most user-friendly and natural channel available: voice.

As we navigate this voice-activated landscape, the potential to innovate and establish deeper connections with customers through voice will only continue to expand. By embracing voice marketing today, companies are not only safeguarding their brand’s future but also unlocking new opportunities for customer interaction and loyalty. In the evolving world of evolving digital ecosystem, being heard is valuable, but being truly listened to is invaluable.

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