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Top Strategies for Earning Money on Pinterest: A Comprehensive Guide to Monetization

Earning money through Pinterest is achievable, and there are optimal methods for Pinterest monetization. Whether you create content, manage an e-commerce store, or aim to boost traffic to your blog, Pinterest can effectively generate income.

If your target audience is on Pinterest, they are likely prepared to make purchases. Based on Pinterest demographics, 45% of U.S. adults with a household income exceeding $100,000 annually are active on the platform. Moreover, 83% of Pinterest users make purchases influenced by what they see on the platform.

Top Ways to Monetize on Pinterest: A Guide to Earning with Pinterest

Best Ways To Monetize On Pinterest: Make Money With Pinterest Guide

If you haven’t started earning from Pinterest, now is an opportune time. To optimize Pinterest for your business, explore the suggestions below.

Effective Pinterest Monetization Methods

Establish a Blog

While this list features numerous ways to generate income through Pinterest, blogging boasts the most significant earning potential (by a considerable margin).

Over time, Pinterest has evolved into a vast platform empowering bloggers to connect with millions online annually. Many perceive Pinterest as just another social media platform like Instagram, TikTok, etc. — however, that’s a misconception. It excels at facilitating content monetization for bloggers.

Just as you likely found this article by searching “how to make money on Pinterest” on Google, the same principle applies to Pinterest. It functions as a search engine, but with a focus on images instead of text.

Consequently, bloggers specializing in various niches, from food to personal finance, have achieved considerable success through Pinterest marketing.

Here’s a simplified explanation of monetizing a blog using Pinterest:

  • Select a blogging niche (food, personal finance, fashion, etc.)
  • Create and share content on your blog, monetizing through ads, affiliate products, and even sponsored placements
  • Set up a Pinterest account
  • Design a Pin (an engaging image representing your blog post content – see below)
  • Share your Pins on Pinterest

Naturally, there’s more to it, but that’s the fundamental process. When Pinterest users search for content related to your blog post, they encounter your Pin, click on it, and ultimately view your ad or purchase your product.

The beauty lies in its scalability. Countless bloggers generate substantial monthly income, ranging from thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Offer Pinterest Virtual Assistant Services for Monetization

A Pinterest Virtual Assistant manages the accounts of other users. Tasks include creating and promoting pins and planning brand content. If you aspire to make money as a Pinterest VA, create an account showcasing your abilities. Subsequently, offer your services on your website or directly contact your preferred brands.

Drive Traffic to Your E-commerce Products

For online sellers, directly pinning product pages to Pinterest is a straightforward method to enhance sales. Generating pins linked to your online store, coupled with relevant keywords used by your target customers, can yield significant traffic.

Before promoting products on Pinterest, enable Rich Pins. This feature syncs the latest information from your website to any pins originating from it.

Product Rich Pins automatically display the most recent pricing and inventory, eliminating the need for manual pin updates, thanks to the product description integration from your website.

Rich Pins are free to use and only require adding a bit of code to your website. New websites applying for Rich Pins typically receive approval within 24 hours.

Design Pins for Your Affiliate Partnerships

Affiliate marketing is a prevalent tactic among marketers and entrepreneurs for passive income generation. As an affiliate, you earn a commission whenever someone makes a purchase through your unique product or service link.

To leverage Pinterest for affiliate marketing, consider crafting pins directly linked to your affiliate links or leading to blog posts or YouTube videos incorporating them.

Sharing affiliate links on Pinterest makes them discoverable by users searching for specific products, potentially earning you commissions from their purchases.

Key best practices for affiliate sales on Pinterest:

  • Disclose the presence of affiliate links. Adhere to FTC guidelines by clearly indicating the inclusion of affiliate links within your content.
  • Use direct links exclusively. Pinterest advises against link shorteners or tools obscuring the final URL when sharing affiliate links.
  • Optimize pins with keywords relevant to affiliate products. Pinterest functions as a search engine, making keyword optimization crucial. Content featuring user-searched keywords is more likely to attract clicks and engagement, potentially boosting sales.

Generate Blog Traffic for Pinterest Monetization

Whether you depend on web traffic for advertising revenue or as part of an inbound marketing strategy, integrating Pinterest can enhance traffic and generate income.

Achieving keyword rankings on Google can be intricate and time-consuming. However, Pinterest keyword ranking is often more straightforward and can lead to substantial traffic growth.

Pinterest reports that 85% of users rely on the platform to initiate a new project or learn something. Therefore, creating valuable content aligned with your target audience’s keywords can effectively capture this search traffic through Pinterest.

Tips for expanding your web traffic via Pinterest:

  • Utilize Pinterest Trends to identify trending keywords among Pinterest users.
  • Develop multiple pins per blog post, each featuring an optimized title, description, and image aligned with relevant keywords.
  • Organize pins onto boards with optimized titles and descriptions incorporating target keywords.
  • Implement Article Rich Pins from your website to display the blog post title, description, and author information within your pins.

Leverage Pinterest to Boost E-commerce Site Traffic

Whether you operate on Shopify or Etsy, Pinterest can drive traffic and generate revenue for your e-commerce platform. Again, the focus is not on direct earnings from Pinterest, but on utilizing its potent search engine capabilities.

Why Pinterest is indispensable for your e-commerce site:

  • 90% of users report that Pinterest influences their purchasing decisions.
  • 78% find value in seeing brand content encountered on Pinterest.
  • 66% make purchases after discovering products on Pinterest.
  • Pinterest generates 33% more traffic to shopping sites compared to Facebook.

Similar to bloggers, online store owners can leverage Pinterest strategically. Create pins promoting new products, curate boards based on styles or themes, conduct keyword research, and more.

For e-commerce owners seeking Pinterest monetization, consider “Promoted Pins” — Pinterest’s equivalent of Facebook ads. These ads resemble regular pins but offer promotional opportunities.

Optimize your Promoted Pins for various objectives, such as traffic generation, brand awareness, or app installs. For instance, display ads in browse mode or target search mode by selecting specific keywords that trigger your ad visibility. This approach ensures your ads reach users actively seeking products like yours.

Acquire a Skill through Pinterest and Monetize It

View Pinterest as a vast learning resource. Discover a myriad of topics, from cake decorating and furniture making to origami. Pinterest allows you to explore, collect, and organize these diverse interests.

Consider monetizing the knowledge you gain. Pinterest offers a wealth of marketable skills.

  • Start a podcast and generate income.
  • Learn to create eye-catching signs and sell them—Facebook trading groups are excellent starting points.
  • Master calligraphy and monetize your skills by designing signs, addressing envelopes, and crafting invitations.
  • Develop knitting and crocheting skills to sell hats, scarves, toys, and more.
  • Enhance your photography and sell images to stock photo sites, offer portrait or family photography services, or even venture into wedding photography.

These examples represent just a fraction of Pinterest’s learning potential. Shift your focus from directly earning from Pinterest to acquiring valuable skills. The exciting part: depending on your chosen path, you can leverage Pinterest to promote your products or services.

Design and Sell Pinterest Templates

Numerous Pinterest users rely on the platform to drive traffic to their online content and products. Certain image types and design elements tend to perform better on the platform. For instance, many visually appealing pins feature images overlaid with text. Your templates could provide the basic structure for these images, allowing customers to easily insert their images and headlines.

Provide Pinterest Marketing Instruction

If you excel at Pinterest marketing, share your expertise with other online entrepreneurs for a fee. Create a website and develop an online course with various modules. Promote your course content through other social media channels and marketing strategies.

Strategies to Enhance Earnings from Your Pinterest Business Account

After establishing your Pinterest monetization strategy, maintain consistent content creation and pin promotion. These tips can help you expand your reach and maximize earnings:

Identify Your Niche

A focused Pinterest account is more likely to attract engaged followers. Consider specializing in DIY content, fashion, or home decor. Conduct keyword research to determine the most relevant terms.

Optimize Your Pinterest Profile

Utilize a Pinterest business account to create a name, description, and link, incorporating relevant keywords to attract the right audience. For example, a new blogger might mention their blogging journey in the description to resonate with similar individuals.

Enhance Pinterest SEO

Pinterest users often discover content through Google or the platform’s search bar. Include relevant keywords in your profile, pin descriptions, and board titles. Explore popular content within your niche for inspiration.

Understand Your Target Audience

Tailor your marketing approach based on your audience. For instance, you can create content specifically for professional bloggers, stay-at-home parents, or new homeowners. Analyze your blog niche or existing customer demographics to refine your target audience.

Grow Your Pinterest Following

Unlike other social platforms relying solely on followers for traffic, Pinterest offers a different dynamic. However, a larger following increases the visibility of your content. Expand your follower base by engaging with other users and linking to your profile.

Utilize Group Boards for Monetization

Pinterest offers group boards, allowing multiple accounts to contribute content. These boards often have a considerable following due to their content consistency. Participate in relevant group boards within your niche to expand your reach.

Join Affiliate Programs

To earn through Pinterest affiliate marketing, acquire your unique affiliate link. Platforms like Amazon, RewardStyle, and ShareASale welcome online influencers to share their referral links through pins.

Analyze Pinterest Analytics

Monitor your Pinterest analytics to identify what resonates with your audience. If certain pin types consistently outperform others, adapt your future content strategy accordingly.

Establish Your Website for Monetization

A dedicated website facilitates monetization through physical or digital products product sales. Additionally, earn through advertising and affiliate partnerships on your site. Utilize Pinterest as a free tool to drive traffic to your website.

Cross-Promote Pins on Other Social Media Platforms

Leverage your existing social media presence to promote your Pinterest content. Regularly share links to your Pinterest account, individual pins, or boards to increase followers and engagement.


Generating income on Pinterest doesn’t necessitate millions of followers. Anyone incorporating affiliate links into their pins or offering products through their website can earn online using the strategies outlined above.

However, followers and engagement can significantly impact your earnings. Individuals with thousands of followers likely possess the social capital to generate affiliate income or collaborate with brands.

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