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Strategies to Minimize Water Waste in the Workplace

Water is an unavoidable cost for every business. However, water waste is entirely preventable. Wasted water increases utility expenses and negatively impacts a company’s profitability. Let’s explore some strategies to minimize water waste at your workplace. In this article, we’ll share ways to reduce water waste at work.

Ways You Can Reduce Water Wastage at Work

Perform A Water Usage Evaluation to Reduce Water Wastage

How can you address water waste without knowing where, when, and how it’s being wasted water in the first place? A comprehensive water usage audit can pinpoint areas for improvement. Numerous third-party companies specialize in conducting detailed water usage audits for workplaces.

Implement Employee Training

Staff training is undeniably the most effective method for minimizing water consumption on your premises. Inform employees about the areas identified as wasteful in the water audit and suggest water-saving practices at work. Avoid framing it solely as a cost-saving measure. Instead, integrate water-saving training into a broader strategy to make your company more environmentally responsible. Your business water charges should decrease along with your other utilities if you implement a comprehensive environmentally friendly training program.

Utilize Rainwater Harvesting to Reduce Water Wastage

The UK received an average of 1308 millimeters of rain in 2020 according to research collated by Statista. Rain is a valuable and abundant resource that businesses often overlook. Many offices and retail spaces have outdoor areas that require watering during summer. Rainwater collected during wetter periods can be used to irrigate plants, reducing reliance on costly mains water.

Opt for Low Flow or Dual Flush Toilets

Toilets are notorious water wasters. Cisterns often hold significantly more water than needed for an effective flush. This means every flush by you or your employees wastes water. Fortunately, reducing toilet water usage is simple.

Low-flow toilets feature smaller cisterns and consume considerably less water per flush. Dual flush toilets – originating in Australia, these toilets provide users with different flush options for liquid or solid waste. Dual-flush toilets save companies substantial amounts annually and are not much more expensive than traditional, wasteful systems.

Address Leaks and Blockages

Many businesses have neglected their plumbing systems. While this might appear cost-effective in the short term – saving money by not hiring plumbers – it often leads to higher expenses down the line. Leaks and blockages can increase overall water waste if left unaddressed. A plumbing system’s efficiency depends on the absence of leaks or blockages that impact pressure and hinder water flow. Resolve any plumbing issues promptly to avoid paying significantly more for water you never get to use.

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