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Strategies to Boost Productivity While Working from Home During Lockdown

Prior to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home was considered a perk primarily enjoyed by employees of elite companies and organizations. A mere 3.4% of the population had the opportunity to experience this benefit. However, the advent of social distancing measures and lockdowns led to a dramatic surge in the number of people working remotely. Despite its advantages and conveniences, working from home, even before the COVID-9 outbreak, had its drawbacks. With everyone now confined to their homes, maintaining productivity has become an even greater hurdle. To address this, we’ve compiled a list of valuable tips to enhance your work-from-home experience and boost productivity while working remotely.

1 Optimize Your Workspace

Having your work area situated in your bedroom is a recipe for distraction. The temptation to succumb to boredom and sneak in a “quick” nap in bed after every hour of work is considerable. Therefore, if you’re aiming to enhance your productivity and overall work-from-home experience, the initial step should be to establish a dedicated and conducive workspace. Consider converting a garage, basement, attic, or spare room into a comfortable and professional home office.

By doing so, you create a mental association between entering that space and shifting into work mode. Additionally, having a designated home office reduces the likelihood of interruptions from family members or housemates. Moreover, if you have persistent interruptions from children, you can use it as a sanctuary to focus on work and address their needs later.

2 Establish a Structured Workday During Lockdown

A crucial factor contributing to our productivity in a traditional office setting is the inherent structure provided by a set schedule. This routine shapes our workday and keeps us motivated. Upon returning from a coffee break, for instance, our minds are primed to tackle any tasks assigned by our supervisors, fostering productivity.

However, in a remote work environment, this structure is absent. You are responsible for establishing your own work hours. While this flexibility and freedom are desirable, they can also lead to procrastination. To maintain productivity, enhance your work-from-home experience, and safeguard your job, it’s vital to establish a structured schedule. Define specific work hours during which you’ll be fully engaged and focused on getting your job done. This disciplined approach is an excellent strategy for enhancing productivity while working remotely during lockdown.

3 Identify Your Peak Productivity Periods

While setting fixed work hours may be effective for some, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Certain individuals thrive under supervision and tend to relax their efforts when not held accountable.

If this resonates with you, even with designated work hours and an alarm clock, you might find it challenging to jumpstart your workday. Procrastination might set in, and you may end up browsing your phone instead of focusing on work.

To optimize your work-from-home experience and productivity, it’s crucial to pinpoint your most productive hours. For example, if you concentrate best in the morning, capitalize on this by waking up early and completing tasks before the rest of your household is awake. In essence, identify your peak productivity windows and structure your work schedule accordingly.

4 Maintain Social Connections for Productivity During Lockdown

In a conventional office work environment, colleagues can sometimes seem like distractions. They might drop by your desk for a chat or invite you to lunch when you’re trying to concentrate. While these interactions may have felt disruptive in the past, social connections with colleagues play a vital role in maintaining productivity.

To sustain these connections and enhance your work-from-home experience, make an effort to stay in touch with your colleagues. After formal video conferences, reach out to your work friends, check in on them, and exchange tips on staying productive while working remotely.

5 Minimize Phone and Social Media Distractions

Having your phone readily accessible while working from home can lead to countless hours of wasted time. To combat this, keep it out of reach. For instance, if your dedicated workspace is in the basement, leave your phone upstairs in your bedroom. The inconvenience of retrieving it will deter you from checking it unnecessarily. This simple strategy is an excellent method to gain method for boosting productivity while working remotely during lockdown.

However, even with your phone out of sight, you might still succumb to social media distractions on your laptop. To mitigate this, log out of all your social media accounts to avoid the allure of notifications.

6 Dress for Success

Dressing for work is more than just a matter of personal style; it has psychological implications. While comfort is essential, remaining in pajamas throughout the workday can blur the lines between work and relaxation. Dressing as if you were going to the office, even if it’s a more casual version of your usual attire, establishes a professional mindset.

This practice also ensures you’re prepared for impromptu video calls and meetings, projecting an image of professionalism to your colleagues.

Furthermore, dressing up can boost your confidence and self-perception. The psychological phenomenon known as “enclothed cognition” suggests that our clothing can influence our mental processes. By dressing professionally, you might feel more authoritative, focused, and in control.

Finally, changing out of your work clothes at the end of the day can signal to your brain that work is over, facilitating relaxation and unwinding.

7 Establish Boundaries with Housemates

Setting clear boundaries with the people you share your living space with is paramount for maintaining focus and minimizing interruptions. This can be particularly challenging when sharing your home with children, roommates, or a partner who is also working remotely.

Communicate your work schedule to everyone in your household, including your start and end times and designated break periods. This establishes expectations and minimizes disruptions during focused work sessions.

Consider implementing physical boundaries as well. If you have a separate room as your workspace, keep the door closed during work hours. When working in a shared space, use headphones to signal that you’re in work mode.

Collaborate with housemates to negotiate shared responsibilities. For instance, if you have children, coordinate childcare and homeschooling schedules with your partner or family. When living with roommates, discuss and distribute chores and responsibilities to prevent them from encroaching on your work hours.

Finally, educate your housemates about the nature of your work. This is especially crucial for jobs that demand deep concentration or involve confidential information. The more they understand your work requirements, the more likely they are to respect your boundaries.

Working from home offers numerous advantages and aligns with our desires for flexibility. However, it also presents distinct challenges, primarily stemming from the multitude of potential distractions within our homes. By implementing the tips outlined above, you can enhance your work-from-home experience and navigate these challenges effectively.

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