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Leveraging Pinterest to Increase Your Website Traffic

Is Pinterest really just a digital haven for women to swap recipes and crafting ideas? With food, fashion, design, and wedding bloggers dominating the top spots, it’s easy to see why many might think so. However, industry giants like Wal-Mart, Apple, and Lowe’s are leveraging Pinterest’s SEO power to drive organic traffic to their websites. This article will delve into how you can do the same.

So, it’s tempting to sweep visual search engine aside, assuming it’s not the right platform for you. Yet, the presence of major brands like Wal-Mart, Apple, and Lowe’s on Pinterest suggests ample opportunity for bloggers, startups, and entrepreneurs to harness the power of pins, repins, and group boards.

How to Use Pinterest to Increase Website Traffic

A Personal Journey

Initially, I was skeptical. I wouldn’t say I was fond of promoting my website because my inner critic insisted that no one wanted to read my blog posts and that I shouldn’t bother people on Facebook or anywhere else. I wasn’t keen on scheduling social media posts to promote my blog either, and creating graphics for it was definitely not my cup of tea.

While I enjoy writing, blogging requires you to be a jack-of-all-trades. Unless, of course, you’re fortunate enough to work for Yoast, where a dedicated team handles graphics and promotion, as I do. Unfortunately, they don’t promote my personal blog. Should have negotiated that into my contract!

Still doubtful about Pinterest, I approached Joost last month to pick his brain about Pinterest. He explained that mom blogs, especially in the US, attract significant traffic - we’re talking tens of thousands of visitors - through Pinterest. The numbers were astounding. He assured me that I was in the right niche to benefit from Pinterest and encouraged me to give it a shot.

That evening, I took the plunge and started creating graphics tailored for my blog, opting for Pinterest’s recommended vertical format over the horizontal images I used for Facebook.

The Potential of Pinterest

I’d love to claim that I woke up the next day to find my pins had gone viral, but reality doesn’t work that way. Exposure builds gradually, and the more active you are on Pinterest, the quicker you’ll see results.

You can track your progress if you have a business you have a business. Within a few days, one of my pins had garnered over 400 impressions. Thrilled, I couldn’t resist sharing the incredible power of Pinterest with anyone who’d listen (and even those who didn’t).

However, those 400 Pinterest impressions hadn’t translated into a single repin or click-through. Suddenly, Facebook advertising seemed more tempting, less demanding, and much easier to grasp.

It took a week of experimentation to find the right formula that started driving traffic to my blog. Within a month, 10% of my blog traffic was coming from Pinterest! I’m constantly amazed by my stats and find myself eagerly checking Google Analytics and Pinterest analytics. I’ve created a dedicated board for my blog and several others aligned with my niche. I actively repin content from others and make sure to pin my blog posts.

Getting Started on Your Pinterest Growth Journey

Creating visually appealing, high-quality images is crucial for attracting attention. Pins with bold, clear messaging about the content perform exceptionally well. People want to know what your post is about at a glance. Writing captivating titles is already essential for SEO; leverage that skill on Pinterest to further enhance your organic traffic!

Collaborating with others on group boards is another effective strategy. Pinning your content to group boards expands your reach to a wider audience interested in your niche.

However, balance is key. Don’t just pin content from your website; actively engage in repinning as well. Don’t shy away from repinning valuable content from competitors if it aligns with your boards. Interestingly, one of my most successful boards focuses on self-care, a topic I’ve only written two blog posts about. Surprisingly, these two posts drive a significant portion of my blog traffic.

There’s no magic bullet for instant traffic. As with Google, Facebook, or any other traffic source, the key lies in providing value to your audience by creating content that caters to their needs.

Conclusion: Leveraging Pinterest for Increased Website Traffic

Pinterest is a thriving social network with continued growth potential. It’s safe to say it’s here to stay. This platform offers a fantastic opportunity for bloggers to refine their visual content creation and marketing skills.

We hope these tips on using Pinterest with SEO to grow and boost your website organic traffic have been helpful. Give it a try and share your experiences in the comments section below. Let us know if you see an increase in clicks back to your website from Pinterest!

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