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Keyword Research Strategy: 7 Essential Steps to Identify the Top SEO Keywords in 2021

Optimizing your website for search engines relies heavily on keyword research, a crucial aspect of SEO. Before creating content, identifying relevant, high-volume search terms is essential. This article outlines a seven-step keyword research strategy to help you uncover the best SEO keywords.

SEO keyword research is fundamental because it guides your content creation and ensures its relevance and visibility on Google.

Keyword Research Strategy: 7 KEY Steps to Find the Best SEO Keywords in 2021

While it involves meticulous analysis and effort, a thorough keyword research process forms the bedrock of your SEO and content strategies.

Companies specializing in SEO, such as those in Auckland, can be invaluable for establishing an effective keyword strategy.

Understanding Keyword Research Strategy

Keyword research involves analyzing and identifying a list of relevant keywords for SEO copywriting. These keywords, or search terms, act as a roadmap for your content and overall marketing direction.

A keyword can be a single word, but it’s often a phrase, like “SEO Auckland” or “best SEO services in Auckland”.

The Impact of Keyword Research Strategy

Finding high-volume search terms is only part of the equation. The SEO keywords used in your content must align with your brand, product, or service and resonate with the language of your target audience. This is where thorough keyword research proves invaluable.

Once you’ve conducted comprehensive research, you can formulate a practical SEO plan, leading to a focused strategy for achieving your goals.

Remember, the chosen keywords should be those your audience is actively searching for, ensuring your optimizing your page efforts are fruitful.

Moreover, similar keywords often have different search volumes, trends, and competition levels. Selecting a more impactful, higher volume keyword will yield better results compared to its synonyms or related terms.

The Best Approach to Keyword Research Strategy

Several approaches exist for keyword research, from manual analysis to using dedicated tools. This article outlines steps to identify the best SEO keywords for optimal results.

Thorough Topic Analysis:

Before determining the optimal keywords for your page, delve into your subject or niche. This can spark innovative ideas and unveil marketing and SEO opportunities you might have overlooked.

Here are some ways to explore your niche:

  • Engage with your existing clients to understand their perspective. Identify the terms they use when describing your brand, organization, services, or products.
  • Step into your potential customers’ shoes. How would you describe your brand’s offerings to a friend?
  • Participate in online communities related to your niche, such as forums and social media platforms. Analyze discussions and identify any pain points related to your area of expertise. These insights are invaluable for your keyword research strategy.

Define Your Objectives

Every successful plan stems from clear objectives. Before diving into keyword research, ask yourself crucial questions:

  • What defines your brand identity?
  • What makes your brand unique?
  • What is the purpose of your website?
  • What value proposition does your website offer?
  • Once you’ve answered these questions, define your brand’s primary goal. Is it to increase followers or achieve a specific business target by a certain date?

Clearly defined objectives provide direction for your SEO methodology and overall plan. The chosen keywords should align with your goals, strategically distributed across different content advertising stages.

Document your goals through written records, diagrams, or reports. This documentation serves as a framework and roadmap for your content and online marketing strategies in conjunction with your keyword research.

Create a List of Relevant Topics for SEO Keywords:

Based on your brand’s main category and your desired objectives, break it down into subtopics. List all related products or services you want to rank for on Google.

These topics should resonate with your buyer personas. Consider what your target audience is searching for on Google. These broader topics can then be further refined into specific keywords.

Generate a List of Focus Keywords:

Having divided your main category into subtopics, start compiling a list of focus keywords. These keywords should be relevant to your various themes and, most importantly, terms your target audience is likely to use on Google.

Focus keywords are crucial as they form the foundation of your keyword research. They define your niche and help you identify your competitors.

Identifying focus keywords is simpler than you might think. Describe your offerings as clearly as possible and brainstorm how others might search for them on Google.

Leverage Keyword Research Tools to Find SEO Keywords:

Analyzing search terms from your brand’s perspective offers a significant advantage.

It prevents you from getting bogged down with keyphrases and assists and encourages a broader perspective for your content and SEO approach.

Once you’ve identified your goals, topics, and focus keywords, utilize keyword research tools to refine your search terms further.

Google Keyword Planner is one option, although it provides only estimated search volumes. Consider using tools like Keyword Tool for more comprehensive data and guidance in narrowing down the right keywords.

Enter your target keywords into the search bar, and the tool will generate a list of alternative keywords, including those with prepositions and questions.

Understand Search Intent:

Simply finding high-volume keywords is no longer sufficient. Google’s AI-powered algorithms analyze search terms alongside user behavior to understand search intent.

Search intent refers to the reason or purpose behind a user’s search. Various factors drive search intent, such as:

  • Are they seeking information or an answer to a specific question?
  • Are they looking for a particular website?
  • Are they searching with the intent to make a purchase?

Put yourself in your audience’s shoes. Why would they search for your topic? What terms would they use? Are they looking to buy, or are they seeking help with a specific problem?

Understanding the intent behind potential readers or customers allows you to fine-tune your keyword research. While a list of high-volume keywords related to your brand is valuable, identifying keywords that directly match your target audience’s search intent is even more powerful.

Identify Long-Tail Keywords for SEO

Focus keywords are generally shorter search terms closely related to your main topic or category. Long-tail keywords, however, are more specific and often relate to smaller subtopics within your niche. Matching your target audience’s search intent to long-tail keyphrases is more achievable with long-tail keywords compared to broader focus keywords.

Long-tail keywords typically receive fewer clicks but tend to have higher conversion rates due to their specific focus on a particular product or topic.

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