How to Get Stable Upload and Download Speeds

By: John Shepler

A strong internet connection is essential. If you’re experiencing fluctuating upload and download speeds, it might be due to the type of bandwidth connection you have.

Avoid the congestion with dedicated bandwidthWhy Can’t It Be Like a LAN?

We’ve become accustomed to the speed of local area network (LAN) connections. Modern computers typically come equipped with Gigabit or Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps) network interfaces. Gigabit routers and switches are commonplace, as are Cat5E and Cat6 cables. Even WiFi, particularly on the 5 GHz band, is quite fast. Unless overloaded, a LAN’s speed is generally unnoticeable.

Why then are internet broadband and other long-distance connections often slow and inconsistent?

It’s easy to forget that early local computer networks were also slow. However, compared to the 64 Kbps speeds of dial-up modems or X.25 links, it wasn’t a major concern. LAN technology has since advanced rapidly, and equipment prices have drastically decreased. It takes effort to find slow equipment these days.

Similar technological progress has occurred in internet and private line connections. However, the cost savings haven’t been as significant, and a wide range of connectivity options still exists.

What Makes Line Speeds Vary

Sluggish internet speed is often attributed to congestion caused by limited bandwidth or an oversubscribed shared connection. Fluctuating speeds, on the other hand, usually result from shared bandwidth and inconsistent usage patterns. You might see a speed test result of 100 Mbps, only to get 10 Mbps or worse a few minutes later. While this congestion will eventually ease, it’s impossible to predict when.

Any system with multiple users that cannot sustain full speed for everyone simultaneously will experience fluctuations. Cable broadband services, known for their attractive pricing, often have enough subscribers to satisfy most users most of the time. However, because it’s a shared resource, you can’t control how many other users are online concurrently or what they’re doing.

This also holds true for 4G LTE wireless and will likely be the case with 5G once enough devices are using it. The radio frequencies used in cellular and satellite communication have limited capacity, which is why data caps exist and why too many users slow down the network.

Generally, any bandwidth service with appealing prices for consumers will be a shared service and likely asymmetrical. This means download speeds are much faster than upload speeds.

Dedicated Connections for Solid Bandwidth

Dedicated bandwidth offers more consistent performance. Remember T1 lines? Some may still use them. While their 1.5 Mbps speed no longer qualifies as broadband, they provide reliable performance because you are the sole user. Any unused bandwidth remains idle.

Dedicated private line bandwidth is unmatched for point-to-point phone and data connections or linking LANs at different locations. While it’s more expensive than shared bandwidth services, it guarantees consistent performance. Dedicated internet access also improves internet speeds, though variability and latency issues may still arise within the internet itself.

Therefore, the best way to connect to your cloud service provider is often bypassing the public internet altogether. A dedicated private line from your location to the cloud center, with enough bandwidth for your peak usage, makes the cloud feel local.

Those old T1 lines? They’re probably insufficient unless your tasks are limited to email, web browsing, and credit card processing. Upgrading to at least Ethernet over Copper at 10 or 20 Mbps is recommended. An even better option is Fiber Optic Ethernet, offering speeds from 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps. Fiber bandwidth costs have decreased significantly in recent years, and availability has increased dramatically, thanks in part to 4G LTE and 5G cell tower deployments and competition among fiber optic providers.

Are you tired of slow and inconsistent internet speeds or unreliable VoIP calls? Explore dedicated bandwidth solutions, including private lines and dedicated internet access, to improve your metropolitan and wide area network performance.

Click to check pricing and features or get support from a Telarus product specialist.

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