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How to Download WordPress?

Let’s explore how to properly download WordPress with these easy-to-follow steps. The entire process should only take about 5 minutes and requires no prior technical expertise.

Got 5 minutes? That’s all you need to download WordPress! A few clicks and you can check another task off your list, right? With its famous 5-minute installation, it couldn’t be simpler, could it?

How to Download WordPress?
How to Download WordPress?

Well, not exactly. While installing WordPress is generally straightforward, I firmly believe that it’s crucial to grasp the underlying processes involved in working with any software.

Given the diverse ways WordPress can be configured and run, both locally and on various hosting platforms, I want to walk you through the process of downloading it to better appreciate the platform we all know and love.

What About QuickInstall?

If you’re interested in the convenience of one-click installation options, such as eloquently put it above, you can always opt for QuickInstall.

Almost every hosting provider offers something similar, and they all function in essentially the same way. However, I personally avoid relying solely on these methods. This is because they often lack the customization options and security considerations that come with downloading and install it yourself WordPress directly.

So, let’s dive right in.

Why Download WordPress?

As previously mentioned, downloading and installing WordPress yourself provides greater control and flexibility during the setup process. You can address security concerns directly, beginning with the creation of databases and user accounts with strong, unique passwords, tailored to your (or your client/employer’s) preferences.

While WordPress is generally reliable, it’s not immune to occasional issues, and errors can occur during updates or due to unforeseen backend conflicts. By downloading the software, you gain the ability to troubleshoot installations effectively and restore your website without resorting to workarounds.

Furthermore, this process familiarizes you with MySQL and phpMyAdmin, two essential elements in WordPress development. Relying solely on automated installations might delay your exposure to these tools until problems arise. While this might seem manageable for those new to these concepts, I believe it’s never too early to delve into the backend, especially if you’re just starting your WordPress journey.

How to Download WordPress

Downloading WordPress is remarkably simple, accessible to anyone (and I encourage everyone to do it!). You even have several options at your disposal, which is always a plus.

The primary source for downloading WordPress is the Download WordPress page on WordPress.org.

How to Download WordPress
How to Download WordPress

Your WordPress Dashboard

When an update becomes available for your WordPress site, you’ll receive a notification on your dashboard. As depicted above, the latest WordPress version is ready for automatic update with a single click on the Please update now button. Alternatively, clicking on the version number itself will redirect you to the manual download page for that particular release.

Archived Versions of WordPress

Archived Versions of WordPress

Speaking of release-specific download pages, did you know there’s an archive of every single WP release encompassing all past releases?

Well, now you do!

This archive allows you to download any WordPress version that has ever been publicly available. Curious about the features and functionality of the very first version? You can experience it firsthand!

On a more practical note, you might need to test the compatibility of a theme or plugin you’re developing. If your staging or development environments reside on managed hosting platforms like WP Engine or Flywheel, reverting to older versions manually might not be feasible. It often requires assistance from their support team, which can be a time-consuming process. In some cases, depending on how far back you need to go, it might not even be possible.

Non-Official Options

Since WordPress is open-source software, you can stumble upon different core versions on various websites. However, while many of these sources are probably totally safe, an equal number might not be. It’s crucial to remember that the internet, like a Halloween pumpkin, can sometimes harbor unpleasant surprises. Not everyone has your best interests at heart.

Just as a seemingly harmless apple in your Halloween basket might conceal a razor blade, a download from an untrusted source could contain malicious code. Exercise caution and stick to reputable sources.

Always download WordPress from trusted sources such as the official download pages.

With numerous official download options readily available, it’s simply not worth the risk of compromising your website’s security by downloading from an unreliable source.

MAMP, LAMP, WAMP, XAMP (or, Local Installations)

MAMP, LAMP, WAMP, XAMP (or, Local Installations)

Another reason to download WordPress is to run it locally on your own computer instead of relying on a web server. This is particularly useful if you’re working offline, without a stable internet connection, or perhaps on highly confidential projects for a clandestine organization of supervillains (hypothetically speaking, of course). In such cases, having your own secure, offline development environment is essential.

Software stacks like MAMP, LAMP, WAMP, or XAMP (if you’re feeling adventurous) can help you achieve this. These fun-to-pronounce acronyms stand for Mac-(or Linux or Windows)-Apache-MySQL-PHP.

By downloading one of these software stacks, you can run a local web server directly from your computer’s hard drive, using any WordPress version you desire. Since you’re essentially acting as your own hosting provider in this scenario, QuickInstall won’t be an option. Therefore, downloading WordPress directly becomes a necessity.

And what about XAMP, you ask? What operating system does the “X” represent? Well, consider it a wildcard, representing the versatility of this particular stack. It essentially stands for “any operating system”!

So…Go Download WordPress, Would Ya?

Besides the aforementioned advantages, maintaining backups of the software you rely on is always good practice. Downloading WordPress yourself and familiarizing yourself with the intricacies of the installation process provides valuable insights into the backend workings that you might not otherwise gain.

For aspiring developers, I highly recommend experimenting with manual installations, which necessitates having the WordPress files readily available. This hands-on experience exposes you to working with MySQL, phpMyAdmin, various database interactions, and even introduces you to the command line (a skill that will prove beneficial when exploring tools like WP-CLI).

If your experience with WordPress has been limited to using QuickInstall, I encourage you to take the leap and work with the WordPress files directly. While it might seem slightly more complex initially, remember that as a web professional, these are essential skills to have in your toolkit. There’s no better time to start than now!

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