Build Your Own World Wide Web

By: John Shepler

The internet has its downsides despite the benefits of global and instant information access. Sharing large files between offices, conducting high-quality teleconferences, and experiencing seamless application interactions can be challenging. Network crashes, congestion from high-bandwidth activities, and constant security threats further diminish the internet’s appeal. So, is there a better alternative?

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Imagine having an exclusive internet solely for your business, customers, and suppliers. Bandwidth wouldn’t be an issue, and the network would operate seamlessly. However, this isolation would restrict access to external resources like banking, online platforms, and general web content.

Ideally, splitting the web into a public domain and a private internal network would be the solution.

My Private Internet

Performance-driven companies have been constructing “private internets” using dedicated private lines for decades. These lines offer direct connections between locations through a telecom provider, ensuring exclusive bandwidth allocation and minimal interference.

Various options like T1, DS3, OC3 to OC48, Ethernet over Copper and Fiber, and even microwave or laser line-of-sight wireless connections cater to point-to-point connectivity needs.

Adding More Sites

Connecting multiple locations to your “private internet” involves establishing private lines between each site and a central headquarters data center. This centralized approach streamlines communication and forms a Wide Area Network (WAN).

This private network, also known as an Intranet, provides enhanced performance, security, and the ability to bypass public networks for internal communication and private cloud solutions.

Since there’s no external access, security breaches become significantly less likely. Encrypting transmissions adds another layer of protection against potential threats.

Reducing Costs Without Losing Performance

While dedicated private lines offer control and performance, the cost can be prohibitive. The Multi-Protocol Label Switching Network (MPLS Network) presents a cost-effective alternative by combining public and private network features.

Large MPLS networks, built with fiber optic connections, connect numerous businesses globally. These private networks operate with dedicated resources, guaranteeing consistent bandwidth, low latency, and minimal data loss for their clients.

MPLS also allows for data stream prioritization, ensuring critical applications take precedence. Its private nature and proprietary routing protocol make it significantly more secure than the public internet.

You’ll Need Internet For a Complete Solution

Despite its advantages, MPLS alone doesn’t address communication with the outside world. Combining MPLS for internal communication with public internet access for external interaction provides a comprehensive solution.

Managing both networks internally or delegating it to the MPLS operator maintains seamless private connectivity and secure internet access.

Have It Both Ways

Building your “World Wide Web” by combining MPLS and public internet access offers the best of both worlds. You benefit from prioritized data streams, high-performance applications, and secure internal communication.

This invisible network infrastructure ensures your employees experience optimal performance without facing the limitations of the public internet.

Interested in enhancing your internet performance or exploring cost-effective alternatives to dedicated private lines? Obtain expert recommendations and competitive cost quotes now. You might be surprised by the affordability of this worthwhile upgrade.

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