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8 Strategies to Enhance Page Speed and Boost SEO

Website speed is critical for user satisfaction and conversions. It’s no surprise that Google incorporates Core Web Vitals and other user experience elements when determining website rankings. This article presents eight essential tips for boosting page speed and enhancing SEO.

Don’t fret, this guide provides eight strategies to optimize page speed and elevate your SEO, enabling you to surpass competitors.


1. Choose a High-Performance WordPress Host

Slow page speed often stems from inadequate web hosting. Shared hosting providers, to cut costs, tend to overload servers with too many websites.

This overuse results in resource competition, frequent downtime, sluggish loading times, and even security vulnerabilities.

Many shared hosts also use outdated hardware and software. Due to their high-volume nature, they often delay updates to crucial components like PHP, Apache modules, and essential software, sometimes for years after new versions are available.

When selecting a WordPress theme, prioritize a managed host or one renowned for speed.

For most of my websites, I recommend NameHero, which utilizes high-speed LiteSpeed web servers.

2. Utilize Gutenberg Blocks for Website Construction

When selecting a WordPress theme and builder, users are often drawn to feature-rich drag-and-drop page builders.

While seemingly convenient, these builders can significantly hinder page speed. They often employ substantial code and JavaScript to achieve their designs, leading to increased processing time and excessive DOM size.

For a website optimized for speed, consider a Gutenberg Blocks builder like GenerateBlocks, Kadence Blocks, or Atomic Blocks.

3. Optimize Images for Faster Loading

Images are excellent for captivating visitors, but uploading images straight directly from your camera to WordPress can sabotage page speed.

Optimizing images before uploading them to your media library is crucial. Utilize a free online tool like TinyPNG to compress images, reducing file size without sacrificing quality.

If you have an extensive image library, install a plugin like ShortPixel for retroactive optimization.

4. Leverage a CDN for Global Reach

A content delivery network (CDN) distributes your website’s data across servers globally, delivering content to visitors from the closest server making the request.

A CDN is particularly beneficial for websites with a global audience. However, if you have a local business, a CDN might be unnecessary. Instead, opt for a data center close to your city.

For those seeking a CDN solution, consider the free version of Cloudflare.

5. Implement Website Caching

A caching plugin can dramatically enhance website performance. It stores copies of website files in a temporary storage location, enabling faster delivery upon subsequent visitor requests.

Many caching plugins offer additional optimization features for even faster loading times.

6. Carefully Select Your Plugins

Poorly coded or overly comprehensive plugins can add unnecessary features and bloat, impacting page speed and making your site vulnerable to attacks.

For optimal website performance, install only essential plugins with desired features from reputable developers.

This practice prevents the loading of unnecessary code for unused features.

7. Prioritize Mobile-First Optimization

Today, most web traffic originates from mobile devices, especially if you leverage platforms like Pinterest. Recognizing this, Google introduced mobile-first indexing.

Mobile-first indexing means Google prioritizes the mobile version of your content for indexing and ranking over the desktop version.

8. Optimize Your Fonts

Fonts are often overlooked, but custom web fonts like Google Fonts can contribute significantly (around 3.2%) to a page’s weight.

They also slow down websites by requiring browsers to fetch external files from Google.

To mitigate the impact of fonts on page speed, consider using system fonts, which are pre-installed in operating systems and require no loading time.

If you prefer Google Fonts, install a free plugin like OMFG for local hosting.


Today, users expect websites to load within three seconds. Delays often result in high bounce rates and low conversion rates.

If your website is your business’s lifeline, implementing these page speed optimization techniques is a wise investment.

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