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7 Types of Branding Videos to Spark Ideas for Your Next Marketing Campaign

Let’s explore seven impactful branding video styles to spark creativity for your next marketing campaign. Branding videos, those produced or supported by a company or brand, offer a powerful way to communicate visually. These videos aren’t about blatant advertising. Instead, they aim to showcase the human side of your organization by sharing its values, work environment, and priorities – elements that resonate strongly with today’s consumers.

Studies reveal that 77% of consumers prefer aligning with brands that share their values. Moreover, 84% of people have made purchases influenced by a brand’s video. So, what makes a branding video truly successful? Let’s delve into seven types of branding videos that can inspire your upcoming marketing initiatives.

1 – Branding Videos: Sharing Your Origin Story

When customers connect with your brand’s values and mission, they’re more likely to become loyal supporters. An origin story video, one that recounts the beginnings and journey of your brand, is an excellent way to communicate these values. This approach creates a strong bond with your audience by introducing them to the heart of your company.

For example, if you manage a video production company in Dubai, you could create compelling origin stories using various formats like animated films, founder interviews, collections of old photos and videos, or even short documentaries.

2 – Showcasing Your Company Culture Through Video

Another impactful branding video style focuses on company culture. These videos highlight the intangible principles that drive your business, which is crucial for attracting top talent. Research indicates that over 75% of job seekers consider a company’s culture before applying.

One effective method for showcasing company culture is interviewing your most passionate employees. As they live and breathe your company’s values, employees become authentic brand ambassadors.

3 – Branding Videos: Putting Your Products in the Spotlight

Product videos, as the name suggests, help businesses introduce their offerings to the audience. Furthermore, you can leverage product branding videos to promote your brand and emphasize the features and benefits of your products.

Ideally, your product videos should feature a charismatic and energetic host who can enthusiastically present the product. To further boost authority and credibility, consider involving an influencer or brand ambassador.

4 – Explainer Videos: Making the Complex Understandable

If your products or services require a bit of explanation, explainer videos are your best bet. Over 95% of consumers confirm that explainer videos helped them better grasp a specific product or service.

Strategically placed on a website’s homepage, landing page, or key product page, explainer videos provide information about your offerings to visitors at the beginning of their buying journey. They contribute to building brand awareness and generating leads.

5 – Branding Videos: The Power of Testimonials

Before making a purchase, consumers often seek insights from others who have already experienced the product or service. In fact, over 65% of shoppers are more likely to purchase after encountering positive social proof.

Testimonial videos allow brands to showcase their impact on customers’ lives. The goal is to let a customer share how using your product or service helped them overcome a challenge they faced.

6 – Animated Videos: Engaging Visual Storytelling

Animation opens a world of possibilities for conveying your brand’s story. Animated videos use drawings, illustrations, or graphics to deliver the message. With their captivating visuals and storytelling capabilities, they can be highly engaging.

Animation excels at simplifying complex concepts and presenting them in a visually appealing way, especially when dealing with abstract subjects.

7 – Branding Videos: Offering a Behind-the-Scenes Glimpse

A recent Livestream survey conducted with New York Magazine revealed that almost 90% of people are drawn to videos containing behind-the-scenes (BTS) content.

BTS videos provide a sneak peek into the usually private aspects of your company and its operations. This makes them incredibly effective for building strong audience connections and fostering customer trust. The more you involve your audience with BTS content, the more invested they become.

Final Thoughts

Armed with knowledge about various branding video styles, you’re ready to embark on creating your own. Remember, a single video is just the beginning. To build momentum and maximize the impact of your branding strategy, commit to consistently producing fresh branding videos.

There’s no need to overwhelm yourself. Start with the branding video styles that resonate most with you and gradually expand your video production efforts.

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